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What are ice breakers?

When you meet total strangers and are shy, that's the ice that needs to be broken. You do that by getting to know them and playing games called ice breakers. This website will give you some ideas for ice breaker games.

What are some ice breakers?

Ice breakers can be created and played. They can be board games, games for kids(running and jumping games), and others. Some examples are Monopoly, quiz games, and silly songs.

What is IceBreakerGames?

IceBreakingGames is a website that lists some ice breakers. It has unique ones and some famous. Please check out my projects in my original webstie.

Authors and Contributors

This page was created by @meepiable. I have started coding some time ago so please do check out my unshared(on my website) projects on this link.

Support or Contact

If you want to ask a question, message me in scratch(I am bato0307) or in twitter(I am scratchymeep). Thank you! :)


IceBreaker1 will be a song here are the lyrics:

Because we have forgotten how to sing, because we have forgotten how to sing. Because we have forgotten, because we have forgotten. Because we have forgotten how to sing.

Easy right? Now you change all the vowels into the ones of your choice. For example I will change the vowels into a:

Bacaasa wa hava fargattan haw ta sang, bacaasa wa hava fargattan haw ta sang. Bacaasa wa hava fargattan, bacaasa wa hava fargattan. Bacaasa wa hava fargattan haw ta sang.

That was hard even typing it! Be careful not to say the ones that were silent e.

IceBreaker2 is called Pik Pak Boom and here are the rules:

There should be more then 3 players(if not 3). The one in the middle should say pik and hit his/her head in the direction of the next player(the 1st player chooses the people). The one in the direction of the 1st player should say pak and do the same thing as the first player with choosing. The last player say boom and the one that person chooses is out(that person will hit his/her head in the direction). Repeat the steps.

If you didn't understand, sorry. I didn't when I first heard it.

IceBreaker3 is called Zip Zaga Zip and here are the rules of that game:

Stand in a circle and the first person says "Zip zaga zip zaga zip pa boom!" While speaking, that person will do an action. The next one has to follow while the first does another one. Repeat the steps. If you can't do it, you're out. It is a game of remembering things.

IceBreaker4 are some riddles. Here are 10:

Riddle1: What has teeth, but can't bite? Answer1: A comb Riddle2: What goes up, but never comes down Answer2: Age Riddle3: The more you take, the more you leave behind Answer3: Footsteps Riddle4: Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother. How many children does Mr. Smith have? Answer4: He has 5 children, all of the daughters have the same 1 brother. Riddle5: What can you catch but not throw? Answer5: A cold Riddle6: Wednesday, Tom and Joe went to a restaurant and ate dinner. When they were done they paid for the food and left. But Tom and Joe didn't pay for the food. Who did? Answer6: Wednesday (the name of the third person in the group, not the day) Riddle7: A seven letter word containing thousands of letters Answer7: Mailbox Riddle8: April brings mayflowers, but what do Mayflowers bring? Answer8: Pilgrims Riddle9: If a green man lives in a green house, a purple man lives in a purple house, a blue man lives in a blue house, a yellow man lives in a yellow house, a black man lives in a black house. Who lives in a White house? Answer9: The President Riddle10: There is bomb on top of a computer; around the computer are a hairbrush, keys, phone and a cup. When the explosion comes, what item destroyed first? Answer10: The bomb

Credits4IceBreakerGames: Some riddles in IceBreaker4 have been taken from